Introduction of our team

Introduction of founders/CEO

The founder's quote: Just like the stock exchanges which thrived rapidly in 2017, we believe NFT gaming platform( including NFT games, NFT entertainments, etc) will be the next legend- 100 billion business in the block chain field. The global gaming industry is undergoing a transformation of historical opportunities! The wave of Web3.0 of NFT games will provide disruptive opportunities in the world of block chain. Perfect track plus perfect team will make us the top one! Supe infinity has infinite possibilities. We will keep improving to be the pioneer of the global NFT gaming platform.

The platform is supported by the Supe Infinity team. Supe Infinity is a team with rich DeFi and Gaming experience. Team members come from many different countries around the world, including top technical talents in the Internet industry, gaming industry, and block chain industry.

Technical overview

Supe Infinity is a NFT gaming platform based on popular multi-chains. We are the first NFT gaming platform on GateChain and the first project released on NFT Mystery Box INO. More importantly, GameBox will be launched soon!

Last updated

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